FSX Cessna 402A Utilifreighter. "Schropeshire
Air Freight Express, Ltd.", royal warrant
holder of the royal charter "By Appointment
To Her Majesty", on 24 hour on-call standby
to provide rapid delivery of polo equipment
and equine veterinary supplies, as well as
canine veterinary supplies, to the royal
household polo pony stables and Welsh Corgi
kennels of Her Royal Majesty Queen Elizabeth
and her dashing son, Prince Charles. Serving the
royal polo grounds and kennels of Schropeshire,
Maudlinshire, Hampdenshire, Northampdenshire,
Worcestershire, Dinsdaleshire, Crumpetshire
and Shire on Glengaryshire-shire, Schropeshire
Air Freight Express, Ltd. is the only air freight
service fit for a queen! Also includes the Henry
Tomkiewicz blank white passenger model, flyable
as well. By Tom Tiedman


1.) Henry Tomkiewicz, for his FS2004 freeware
Cessna 402A.

2.) Nick Cooper, for his FSX-worthy prop texture.

3.) Microsoft, for their default Baron panel
and sound.

I just painted it and packaged it, no big whoop.

Tom Tiedman


1.) Copy and paste the entire "Cessna 402A
Utilifreighter" folder into your FSX
"Airplanes" folder. You will find her
in your airplane menu under "Cessna".
Now go fly! (And don't keep the queen